Religious Involvement
At Geibel Catholic Junior-Senior High School, God is recognized as the ultimate source of authority and meaning. The school upholds the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and is united with the local church of Greensburg.
Students are taught love of God, love of neighbor, and a healthy love of self. Geibel Catholic assumes that its students are regular observers of their faith, that they practice their faith with enthusiasm and commitment, and that they share their faith with their local parishes as participants in youth work, liturgical assistants, or volunteers in various capacities available on the parish level.
Diocesan Discernment Project
High School & Young Adult Priesthood Discernment Group
The Melchizedek Project is designed for high school and young adult-aged men who would like to grow in their understanding of how to discern a vocation and learn more about the priesthood. Each gathering involves prayer, discussion on a specific topic related to priesthood, and dinner. Visit for information, dates, and registration. Please note that groups are age-specific.
- On-site St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank
- Coat Drive
- Holiday Food Collections
- Toys for Tots
- Thanksgiving Festival of Choirs
- Music Ministry
Faith in Action
- Cantors
- Tenebrae Service
- Stations of the Cross
- School Mass
- National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
- March for Life
- Class Retreats
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Lectors
- Ministers of Hospitality
- Student Ambassadors
Religious Service & Community Opportunities
For service hours at St. Pius and Visitation, Mt. Pleasant, we have the following opportunities:
Altar serving at our parishes – we are in desperate need of servers. Requirements are baptized Catholics who have celebrated first communion. We will train kids of all ages and abilities. Contact Christy at [email protected].
This fall we will have faith formation on Tuesday nights from 6 to 7:30, older kids (6th grade and up) are welcome to volunteer as classroom and hall-way aides. Those interested can email Christy at [email protected].