In her pastoral letter on Campus Ministry, the Church clarified what she expects of Campus Ministry and its ministers. In Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future, paragraph 21, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote:
Campus ministry can be defined as the public presence and service through which properly prepared baptized persons are empowered by the Spirit to use their talents and gifts on behalf of the Church in order to be a sign and instrument of kingdom in the academic worlds.
In addition, the Bishops outlined the expectations of the Campus Ministers in paragraph 24:
As officially appointed campus ministers, they are sent to form the faith community so that it can be a genuine sign and instrument of the kingdom. Their task is to identify, call forth, and coordinate the diverse gifts of the Spirit possessed by all the members of the faith community.
While Catholic in orientation, our Campus Ministry will gladly provide opportunities for students from any faith tradition to enrich their school experience through participation in prayer, worship, and service. We invite all students to participate in Campus Ministry opportunities.
Geibel Catholic, through Campus Ministry and the diocesan 3-year Eucharistic revival plan, will continue to reach out to our students, encouraging them to use their God-given gifts toward a holier life. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Christopher Anderson, your Campus Minister.